OFC 2023: Preview of TRANSNET Contributions
OFC is the largest global conference and exhibition for optical communication and networking professionals. The five-day technical conference features peer reviewed presentations and invited speakers, the thought leaders in the industry presenting the highlights of emerging technologies.
The highly awaited event returns to San Diego, California on 05 March 2023. This year, our team is making a record-breaking contribution to the programme, which you can find more about below.
Invited Talks
Tu2F • AI and Optimization in (Disaggregated) Networks
Title: Dynamic Optical Networks as Arcade Games: Lessons Learnt and Next Steps
Speaker: Dr Alejandra Beghelli
Abstract: We transformed the dynamic routing and spectrum allocation problem into an Arcade-like game and trained a reinforcement learning agent to play it. Preliminary results show the agent outperforms the K-SP-FF heuristic.
Time: 15: 30 – 16:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6E
M1J • Optical Signal Processing
Paper: Power Dissipation Bounds for Photonic Analog to Digital Converters
Presenter: Callum Deakin, now with Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Abstract: We present the first power dissipation bounds for a generalised class of photonic analog to digital converters, and estimate their achievable power efficiency compared to conventional electronic designs.
Date: Monday, 06 March 2023
Time: 08:15 – 08:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 9
M3F • LIDAR, RADAR and Ranging Systems
Paper: Impact of Laser Phase Noise on Ranging Precision Within and Beyond Laser Coherence Length in FMCW LiDAR
Presenter: Wenting Yi
Abstract: We study the impact of laser phase noise on ranging precision in a frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) LiDAR system, demonstrating ranging of 384.72 m with ∼15 cm precision at 7× intrinsic laser coherence length.
Date: Monday, 06 March 2023
Time: 14:30 – 14:45 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6E
M3E • Enabling Technologies for Data Center and HPC
Paper: Optical Clock Synchronization for O-Band Directly Modulated Laser Based Data Center Interconnection
Presenter: Zichuan Zhou
Abstract: We show that clock synchronized transmission has reduced receiver-side jitter that limits DMLs’ performance compared to conventional clock and data recovery. We access transmission quality using 35-GHz-bandwidth DMLs at 1271 and 1373 nm.
Date: Monday, 06 March 2023
Time: 15:45 – 16:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6D
W1G • Optical Networks for Machine Learning Systems
Paper: A Vectorised Packing Algorithm for Efficient Generation of Custom Traffic Matrices
Presenter: Christopher Parsonson
Abstract: We propose a new algorithm for generating custom network traffic matrices which achieves 13x, 38x, and 70x faster generation times than prior work on networks with 64, 256, and 1024 nodes respectively.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 08:45 – 09:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6F
W3E • Transmission Impairment Mitigation and Compensation Techniques
Paper: Pilot-Aided Pump Dithering Removal in Degenerate FWM-Based Optical Phase Conjugation Systems With Higher-Order QAM
Presenter: Jiaqian Yang
Abstract: A pump dithering removal algorithm, based on pilot sequence-aided DSP, is proposed and experimentally validated in dual polarization 64QAM optical phase conjugation system. A 4.2dB SNR improvement was observed due to the SBS suppression.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 14:30 – 14:45 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6D
W3E • Transmission Impairment Mitigation and Compensation Techniques
Paper: Experimental Demonstration of a Simplified SOA Nonlinearity Mitigation Scheme
Presenter: Eric Sillekens
Abstract: We experimentally demonstrated a digital learned-filter mitigation scheme for semiconductor optical amplifier-induced nonlinear distortion of single-polarisation 32 GBd 16QAM and 64QAM signals in a back-to-back configuration.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 15:15 – 15:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6D
W4K • Quantum Networks
Paper: Multi-user Entanglement Routing in Quantum Mesh Networks
Presenter: Evan Sutcliffe, UCL
Abstract: Multipath routing for sharing entanglement between multiple devices was simulated on real network topologies and compared against single-path routing. Results show improved entanglement rates, especially for topologies with a higher average nodal degree.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 17:00 – 17:15 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 4
W4F • Converged Fixed and Mobile Networks
Paper: Picosecond-Precision Clock Synchronized Radio Access Networks Using Optical Clock Distribution and Clock Phase Caching [Top Scored]
Presenter: Dr Kari Clark
Abstract: We show 0.98-ps precision clock synchronization for radio access networks, in a real-time field-trial demonstration on 37.6-km dark fiber, with optical clock frequency synchronization and clock phase caching operating using 25.6-Gb/s commercial transceivers.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 17:30 – 17:45 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6E
Th1F • Machine Learning and Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Paper: On the Impact of Frequency Variation on Nonlinearity Mitigation Using Frequency Combs
Presenter: Ronit Sohanpal
Abstract: We investigated the impact of linewidth and dithering-induced frequency variation on the performance of nonlinearity mitigation using frequency combs. Compared to independent laser arrays, >2dB SNR gain can be achieved using comb sources.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 08:45 – 09:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6E
Th1B • Nonlinear Optical Amplifiers and Oscillators
Paper: Low-Noise, Flat-Spectrum, Polarization-Maintaining All-Fiber Frequency Comb for Wideband Communications
Presenter: Dr Zhixin Liu
Abstract: We design and optimize a parametric frequency comb generator using all polarization-maintaining components, highly-doped PM fiber and PM highly-nonlinear fibers, obtaining 500 tones over 100nm with >-5dBm per tone and less than 40kHz linewidth.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 09:15 – 09:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 2
Th1F • Machine Learning and Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Paper: Knowledge Distillation Applied to Optical Channel Equalization: Solving the Parallelization Problem of Recurrent Connection
Presenter: Sasipim Srivallapanondh
Abstract: To circumvent the non-parallelizability of recurrent neural network-based equalizers, we propose knowledge distillation to recast the RNN into a parallelizable feedforward structure. The latter shows 38% latency decrease, while impacting the Q-factor by only 0.5dB.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 09:45 – 10:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6E
Th1B • Nonlinear Optical Amplifiers and Oscillators
Paper: 30-Gbaud PM-16-QAM Transmission Over E-, S-, C- and L-Band With Hybrid Raman Amplifier [Top Scored]
Presenter: Pratim Hazarika
Abstract: We demonstrate 50km, 30-Gbaud PM-16QAM transmission with a hybrid distributed-discrete Raman amplifier over 25.8THz bandwidth. E-band distributed Raman amplification shows 0.7dB averaged Q2-penalty, versus 1.9dB and 0.9dB due to S-band and C+L-band discrete Raman amplification.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 09:45 – 10:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 2
Poster Sessions
W2A • Posters Session I
Paper: A Closed-Form Expression for the ISRS GN Model Supporting Distributed Raman Amplification
Presenter: Henrique Buglia
Abstract: A closed-form model for the nonlinear interference in distributed Raman amplified links is presented, the formula accounts for both forward and backward pumping. The model accurately estimates the received SNR over a 10 THz bandwidth.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
W2A • Posters Session I
Paper: Optimal Design of Filterless Horseshoe Networks Supporting Point-to-Multipoint Transceivers
Presenter: Mohammad Mohammad Hosseini
Abstract: This paper proposes an ILP framework to optimize metro-aggregation filterless horseshoe networks for digital subcarrier multiplexing point-to-multipoint (P2MP) transceiver deployment. The results show that this significantly reduces amplifier requirements while ensuring end-to-end performance.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
W2A • Posters Session I
Paper: On-Chip Tunable Mode-Locked Comb Laser in Generic Foundry Platform
Presenter: Mu-Chieh Lo
Abstract: An integrated, passive, harmonically mode-locked laser fabricated utilizing a generic integration technology is reported. The device features both emission wavelength and comb spacing variability by using a colliding-pulse cavity composed of two tunable gratings.
Date: Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
Th2A • Posters Session III
Paper: On the Advantages of Principal Modes for Multimode SDM Transmission Systems
Presenter: Fabio Barbosa
Abstract: MISO array size is shown to scale sublinearly with an increasing number of tributaries under modal dynamics and mode-dependent loss with up to 330 principal modes over a fibre optimised for low modal dispersion.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
Th2A • Posters Session III, In-Person, Exhibit Hall B1
Paper: Pump Optimization of E-Band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier
Presenter: Aleksandr Donodin
Abstract: We experimentally investigate different bi-directional pumping schemes of an E-band bismuth-doped fiber amplifier. Best performance is achieved with 1320nm pumps, and features 38.9dB gain, 4.7dB NF, and 32.6% power conversion efficiency.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
Th2A • Posters Session III, In-Person,
Paper: Nonlinear Phase Shift Pre-Compensation for Improved Power Budget in a 200 Gbps Simplified Coherent PON
Presenter: Istvan Kovacs
Abstract: We experimentally investigate a simple fiber nonlinearity pre-compensation technique for 200 Gbps PON downstream using a simplified coherent receiver. A power budget improvement of 1.0 dB is achieved for 50 km reach in C-band.
Date: Thursday, 09 March 2023
Time: 10:30 – 12:30 (UTC-8)
Location: Exhibit Hall B1
M3Z • OFC Demo Zone
Paper: Adaptive Geometric Constellation Shaping in a Transmission System With a Real-Time Optimisation Loop
Presenter: Mindaugas Jarmolovicius
Date: Monday, 06 March 2023
Time: 14:00 (UTC-8)
Location: Room 6A
Further information about OFC 2023 can be found on their website: https://www.ofcconference.org/en-us/home/
A complete list of published TRANSNET research, including journal and conference papers, can be viewed via our publications page.
Image Credit: OFC