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Aston University


Aston University

Prof David Saad

Aston University

DavidSaad portrait

TRANSNET Co-Investigator

David obtained a BA in Physics and a BSc in Electrical Engineering at the Technion, Haifa, Israel and later on an MSc in Physics (relativistic field theory) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering (neural networks) at the Tel-Aviv University. In 1992 he joined the the physics department at Edinburgh University first as a postdoc and later on as a lecturer, working mainly on theoretical issues. In 1995 he joined Aston as a lecturer and was promoted later on to a reader (1997) and subsequently to a Professor of Information Mathematics (1999).  Between 2006-2012 he had been the Head of the Mathematics Group and took the role again in 2015. He has been Co-Investigator on the TRANSNET Programme since 2018.

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Dr Stylianos Sygletos

Aston University

Stylianos Sygletos image


TRANSNET Co-Investigator

Dr Stylianos Sygletos is a Co-Investigator on the TRANSNET grant since 2018 based at our Aston University site. A list of his publications can be accessed here.

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Prof Sergei K Turitsyn

Prof Sergei image 1

TRANSNET Deputy Director

I graduated from the Department of Physics of the Novosibirsk University, Russia in 1982 and received my Ph.D. degree in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia in 1986. 

From 1992 to 1998 I worked in the Institute for Theoretical Physics I, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany; first as a Humboldt Fellow and then within the collaborative projects with Deutsche Telekom. I joined the Photonics Research Group in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University in 1998.

During last two decades I have been working on various problems of nonlinear science, including soliton theory, self-focusing of light beams, discrete nonlinear systems, and nonlinear fibre optics. My recent research has been shifted towards the high-speed optical communications, nonlinear photonic devices, Raman-based technologies, and ultra-long fibre lasers. Since 2005, I hold the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. I have been Deputy Director on the TRANSNET grant since 2018. 

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Research Fellows

Aston University

Dr Aleksandr Donodin

Research Fellow

Dr Sabnam Noor

Research Fellow

Dr Mingming Tan

Research Fellow

Dr Yaroslav Prylepskiy

Research Fellow

PhD Students

Aston University