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TRANSNET investigator awarded new industry-academia Research Chair

TRANSNET investigator Professor Wladek Forysiak has been awarded one of five new industry-academia research partnerships by the Royal Academy of Engineering.

The new research fellowships, two Research Chairs and three Senior Research Fellows, aim to develop transformational technologies will address some of the complex engineering challenges facing society.

Wladek Forysiak has been awarded a Research Chair in Highly Integrated Coherent Optical Fibre Communications in partnership with EFFECT Photonics.

His work will focus on developing new advances in photonic integration to increase the capacity of digital communications technology. His research aims to build on the ‘system-on-chip’ photonic integration technology developed by EFFECT Photonics to develop new transceivers, transceiver arrays, and entire multi-channel optical fibre transmission systems. 

The new Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships scheme focuses on industry-relevant research across the full range of engineering disciplines and aims to enhance the links between academia and businesses. The prestigious fellowships are five-year positions and each one is co-sponsored by an industrial partner. The awardees are expected to establish a world-leading research group in their engineering field.

Congratulations Wladek from all the TRANSNET team!

Further Information (links)

Royal Academy of Engineering news release.

Aston University news piece

About the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships scheme.

 Wladek has been a member of the TRANSNET Programme since 2018 and is based at the Aston Institute of Photonics.